Frequent Item Sets


Given a support threshold s, sets of items that appear in at least s baskets.

Association Rules

i1,i2,,ikji_1,i_2,\cdots,i_k \rightarrow j : if a basket contains all of i1,,iki_1,\cdots,i_k, it is likely to contain jj


conf(Ij)=support(Ij)support(I)conf(I \rightarrow j)=\frac{support(I \cup j)}{support(I)}


Difference between its confidence and the fraction of baskets containing j

Interest(Ij)=conf(Ij)Pr[j]Interest(I\rightarrow j)=conf(I \rightarrow j)- Pr[j]
  • Positive: high conf low Pr, j is rare but frequently co-occurs with I (complementary)
  • Negative: low conf high Pr, j is frequent but seldom co-occurs with I (substitutive)

Find Association Rules

  1. Find all frequent itemsets I
  2. For every subset A of I, generate a rule
  3. Output rules above confidence threshold

Compact the Output

  • Maximal frequent itemsets: No superset is frequent
  • Closed itemsets: No superset has same count

Find Frequent Itemsets

Critical resource: Main Memory

Counting Pairs in Memory

Approach 1

  1. Count all pairs using a matrix
  2. 4 bytes per pair
  3. pair{i, j} is at (i1)(ni2)+j1(i - 1)(n - \frac{i}{2}) + j - 1

Approach 2

  1. Table of Triples[i, j, count(i, j)]
  2. 12 bytes per pair (but only for pairs with count > 0)
  3. Beats approach 1 if less than 13\frac{1}{3} possible pairs actually occur

A-Priori Algorithm

Computation Model

  • Association-rule algo reads the data in passes (all baskets read in turn)
  • True cost usually the number of disk I/Os

A-Priori (A two-pass approach)

Key idea: monotonicity

  • If a set of items I appears at least s times, so does every subset J of I

Contrapositive for pairs

  • If item i doesn’t appear in s baskets, then no pair including i can appear in s baskets

Pass 1

Read baskets and count in main memory the occurrences of each individual item

  • Require only memory proportional

Pass 2

Read baskets again and count in main memory only those pairs where both elements are frequent (from Pass 1)

  • Require memory proportional to O(frequent-item^2)
  • Plus a list of the frequent items

Frequent Triples+

For each k, construct two sets of k-tuples:

  • Ck=candidate k-tuplesC_k = \text{candidate k-tuples}
  • Lk=set of truly frequent k-tuplesL_k = \text{set of truly frequent k-tuples}

PCY (Park-Chen-Yu) Algorithm

  • Most memory is idle in pass 1 of A-Priori, only store individual item counts

Pass 1

Maintain a hash table with as many buckets as fit in memory

  • Each bucket counts, not the actual pairs

Pass 2

Only count pairs that hash to frequent buckets

  • Replace the buckets by a bit-vector to reserve memory for pass-2
  • 4-byte integer counts are replaced by bits
  • Bit-vector requires 132\frac{1}{32} memory (1 byte = 8 bits)
  • Decide which items are frequent and list them for pass 2

Count all pairs {i, j} that are candidate pairs:

  • Both i and j are frequent items
  • Pair {i, j} hashes to a bucket whose bit in the bit vector is 1 (i.e., a frequent bucket)
  • These are necessary conditions for the pair to be frequent

Multistage Algorithm

Pass 1 of PCY, rehash only those pairs that qualify for pass 2 of PCY

  • i and j are frequent
  • {i, j} hashes to a frequent bucket from pass 1

Pass 3

Count {i, j} that:

  • i and j are frequent items
  • Using the first hash function, the pair hashes to a bucket whose bit in the first bit-vector is 1
  • Using the second hash function, the pair hashes to a bucket whose bit in the second bit-vector is 1


  • Two hash functions have to be independent
  • Check both hashes on pass 3


Use several independent hash tables for pass 1

  • Risk: The average count doubles because half bucket numbers
  • Ensure most buckets won’t reach count s

Less Pass

1. Random Sampling

  • No need to pay for disk I/O
  • Reduce Support threshold proportionally to match the sample size

2. SON Algorithm

Repeatedly read small subsets of the baskets into main memory