Mining of Massive Datasets
Similarity Measuring
- Sets as vectors: cosine distance = $\frac{\overrightarrow{x_1}\cdot\overrightarrow{x_2}}{||x_1||||x_2||}\in[-1,1]$
- Sets as sets: Jaccard distance
- Sets as points: Euclidean distance = $\frac{1}{\sqrt{||\overrightarrow{x_1}-\overrightarrow{x_2}||^2}}$
- Agglomerative(bottom up)
- Combine the two nearest clusters into one
- Divisive(top down)
- Start with one and recursively split
Point assignment
- Maintain a set of Clusters then assign points to nearest cluster repeatedly eg:k-means
$\min\limits_c \sum\limits_{x\in C}d(x,c)^2$
- Pick k clusters, Initialise by picking one point per cluster
- Place each point in the cluster with nearest current centroid
- Update centroid locations
- Reassign all points to their closest centroid
- Repeat 34 until convergence(points dont move + centroids stabilise)
Assumes clusters are normally distributed around a centroid in a Euclidean space
- Take k random points: pick a random one, then k-1, as dispersed ap
- Take a small random sample and cluster optimally
Three Classes
- Discard Set(DS)
- Points close enough to a centroid to be summarised
- Compression Set(CS)
- Points close together but not close to any existing centroid
- Retained Set(RS)
- Isolated points waiting to be assigned to a compression set
For Each Cluster,
DS Summary
- N: number of points
- SUM: vector, ith = sum of the coordinates of the points in the ith dimension
- SUMSQ: vector, ith = sum of squares of coordinates in ith dimension
d: number of dimensions
cluster size: $2d+1$
Average in each dimension(the centroid) : $\frac{SUM_i}{N}$
Variance in dimension i: $\frac{SUMSQ_i}{N}-(\frac{SUM_i}{N})^2$
$$Var(X)=EX^2-E(X)^2$$ ⬆️
- Add points close enough to a centroid centroid to that cluster and the DS
- Cluster the remaining points and the old RS
- Clusters→ CS; Outliers → RS
- DS: Adjust Stats for new points
- Merge CS
- Merge all CS and all RS points into their nearest cluster
- Mahalanobis distance less than a threshold
- High probability of the point belonging to currently nearest centroid
Mahalanobis Distance(M-distance)
point $(x_1,\cdots, x_d)$, centroid $(c_1, \cdots, c_d)$
$\sigma_i$: Standard deviation of points in the cluster in ith dimension
- Normalise in each dimension $y_i=\frac{x_i-c_i}{\sigma_i}$
- $d(x,c)=\sqrt{\sum\limits_{i=1}^d(\frac{x_i-c_i}{\sigma_i})^2}$
Combine 2 CS clusters if the combined variance is below threshold
CURE(Clustering Using REpresentatives)
- Assume a Euclidean distance
- Allows clusters to assume any shape
- Uses a collection of representative points to represent clusters
2 Pass
Pass 1
- Pick a random sample of points that fits in main memory
- Initial clusters: hierachically cluster the points
- Pick representative points
Pass 2
- Rescan the dataset, visit each point p
- Place it in the closest cluster
Matrix Rank: Number of linearly independent columns of a matrix
$A_{[m \times n] =U_{m\times r}\sum_{r \times r}(V_{[n \times r]})^T}$
A: Input data matrix; U: Left singular vectors; $\sum$: Singular values;
r: Rank of the matrix A; V: Right Singular vectors
$U, \sum, V$: Unique
$U, V$ column orthonormal
$\sum$: Diagonal, Singular values are positive and sorted in decreasing order
$A \approx U \sigma V^T = \sum\limits_{i} \sigma_i u_i v_i^T$
Goal: Minimize sum of reconstruction errors
Best Low Rank Approx Theorem
$A = U \sum V^T(\sigma_1 \geq \sigma_2 \geq \cdots, rank(A)=r)$, $B=USV^T$
S = diagonal r*r matrix, $s_i = \sigma_i(i:1 \rightarrow k)$ else $s_i=0$
S: best rank-k approx to A, B: sol to $\min\limits_{B,rank(B)=k} ||A-B||_F$
$\min\limits_{B,rank(B)=k} ||A-B||F =min ||\sum - S||*F = min \sum (\sigma_i - s_i)^2 = min \sum\limits*{i=1}^{k}(\sigma_i - s_i)^2 + \sum\limits{i=k+1}^r \sigma_i^2 = \sum\limits_{i=k+1}^r \sigma_i^2$
- Input: Matrix A∈Rm×n, desired rank k.
- Select c columns from A to form matrix C
- Select r rows from A to form matrix R
- Compute $U = W^{-1}$
- pseudo-inverse: $W^{-1}$, if W nonsingular pseudoinverse the true inverse.
$A = U \sum V^T$, $A = CUR$
A: Huge sparse
U, V: Big dense
$\sum$: small sparse
C, R: Big sparse
U: small dense
X = set of Customers
S = set of Items
R = set of ratings ( a totally ordered set)
Utility function: u: $X \times S \rightarrow R$
- Content-based
- Collaborative Filtering
- Collaborative Reasoning
- Large Foundation Models
Recommend items similar to previous items rated highly by the customer
Item Profiles: vector of features
$f_{ij} = \text{frequency of term(feature) i in doc (item) j}$
$n_i$: number that mention i, N: total
$IDF_i=\log \frac{N}{n_i}$
$\text{TF-IDF score } w_{i,j} = TF_{ij} \times IDF_i$
User Profiles and prediction
User profile: weighted average of all rated item profiles
Prediction heuristic
Given user profile x and item profile i, cosine similarity
$u(x,i) = cos(x,i) = \frac{x\cdot i}{||x|| \cdot ||i||}$
- No need on other users data
- Users with unique tastes, new and unpopular items
- Explanation
- Hard to find proper features
- New users no profile
- Overspecialisation
Collaborative Filtering
Find similar users
Jaccard sim, Ignore rating value
Cosine sim, Treat missing ratings as negative
$r_x:\text{vector of user x’s ratings}$
Pearson correlation coefficient
$S_{xy}=\text{items rated by both users x and y}$
$sim(x,y)=\frac{\sum_{S \in S_{xy}}(r_{xs}-\overline{r_x})(r_{ys}-\overline{r_y})}{\sqrt{\sum_{S \in S_{xy}}(r_{xs}-\overline{r_x})^2}\sqrt{\sum_{S \in S_{xy}(r_{ys}-\overline{r_y})^2}}}$
Rating Predictions
N: the set of k users most similar to x who have rated item i
eg Prediction for item i of user x
$r_{xi}=\frac{1}{k} \sum_{y \in N} r_{yi}$
$r_{xi} = \frac{\sum_{y \in N}S_{xy} \cdot r_{yi}}{\sum_{y \in N}S_{xy}}$
Works for any item kinds
- User/Item cold start
- Sparsity
- Popularity bias
Rating Prediction: MAE, RMSE
Top-n Rec:
$F_1=2 \cdot \frac{precision \cdot recall}{ precision + recall}$, Optimal value = 1
Normalised Discounted Cumulative Gain
p: position up to which relevance is accumulated
$rel_i:$ relevance of reccommendation at position i
$DCG_p = \sum\limits_{i=1}^p \frac{2^{rel_i}-1}{\log_2(i+1)}$
Idealised DCG
Assumption that items are ordered by decreasing relevance
$IDCG_p=\sum\limits_{i=1}^{|REL|} \frac{2^{rel_i}-1}{\log_2(i+1)}$
Normalised DCG
normalised to the interval [0,1]
Mean Average Precision(MAP)
Average of precision values after each successful prediction
Latent Factor Models
- Item-Item CF
- Predict ratings using similar items $s_{ij}$
- Weighted average of user x’s ratings for similar items.
- Bias Model
- Adjust for global mean $\mu$, user bias $b_u$, item bias $b_i$
- $\hat{r}_{ui} = \mu + b_u + b_i$
- Weighted CF
- Combines biases and learned weights $w_{ij}$
- $$\hat{r}{ui} = \mu + b_u + b_i + \sum w{ij}(r_{uj} - \mu - b_u - b_j)$$
- Latent Factors
- Decompose R as $P \cdot Q^T$
- Minimize error: $\min_{P, Q} \sum (r_{ui} - p_u \cdot q_i)^2 + \lambda (|P|^2 + |Q|^2)$
- GD to update P,Q
Temporal Dynamics
- Add time-dependence to biases $b_u(t), b_i(t)$ and factors $p_u(t)$
Regularisation $\lambda$ prevents overfitting